Thai Willkommen in Deutschland

   Welcome to Germany   




ขออภัย ในหน้าเพจภาษาไทย อยู่ในระหว่างการจัดทำ

Under Construction
Very soon we like to give you this service in Thai language.
We work on a translation of this web-page.
Until it is finish, we apologize for the inconvenience.


Dear visitor, this page gives you information about effectively help
for obtaining the certificate Goethe A1, A2,
which is necessary for an extended stay in Germany.

You want to study in Germany, come for work or
want to marry your lover?
Then I may help you to get the needed Goethe certificate.


NOTE: This assistance of charge in any regard.
It is only an effective supportive help. It in no way replaces
the lessons of the
Goethe Institute and is also no warranty
to the successful completion of the exam.
This help will facilitate the learning of German language and
it is a pleasure for me, to assist you in completing the
necessary formalities.

There are no financial or commercial interests !

So....why I 'm doing this?
The reason is very simple... Since I met a foreigner, which I call now my friend,
I know how hard it is to achieve the goal, spend the future in Germany.
The German Grammar is one of the most difficulties in the procedure getting a visa.
With my friend, i was very successful in find out, how to teach an understandable way.
This knowledge I want to share with other people, creating life a little easier.
Let foreign people and their cultures come closer.
Working together. That's my mission.

So get in contact and try, if this way is the right for you, too.
It is just one click, it is for free and guaranteed free from any risks.
For me it is a pleasure, helping you to come to Germany.
So don't be shy. Let's become friends at the learning way.

Welcome to Germany


At the bottom of this page you can choose
your favourite way to get in contact with me.


The Goethe Institute has a global presence. Click on the picture below,
to find out where the Goethe Institut is located in your country.


If you are learning with the following books,
I can help you effectively reach a successful conclusion.
Click the pictures for more Information.


Die hier aufgeführten Lehrbücher befinden sich im Original in meinem Besitz, wurden von mir gescannt und deren Abbildung
dient nur der Demonstration. Alle Bilder sind mit dem entsprechenden herausgebenden Verlag verlinkt.
Bei Verletzung eines evtl. Urheberrechts bitte ich um Nachricht. Die Bilder werden dann sofort entfernt.





This page is    constantly.




Download Skype, so you can call me for free.

Click on the following Button to see my Status:

Mein Status

or call     

+66-09-4554-4436   (mobile number in/for Thailand)

+49-177-4604-163  (mobile number in/for Germany)

(If I do not answer, I most likely do my work with a student so please
leave a message or send SMS. I will reply as soon as possible. Thank You.)


Install the following Apps on your Smartphone and write / call for free



This page for your mobile iPhone, Smartphone, BlackBerry,...:

You need more help for migration and integration?

Try this:



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Ich versuche bei jedem fremden Inhalt die Quelle zu nennen und werde auch alle
Bilder oder Clips sofort von der Seite nehmen, wenn es vom Copyrightinhaber gewünscht wird.
© 2011-2015, Stefan Kruse


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